Ruby App Tutorial: Building Landing Pages from Scratch with ButterCMS

Posted by Eze Nnaemeka on October 20, 2023

We've all experienced it. You're browsing your favorite social media platform and stumble upon an advertisement for the ideal product. Intrigued, you click on it, only to be directed to a poorly designed, painfully slow website. Then, without a second thought, you exit the site, worried about the risk of malware. Unfortunately, this is exactly what happens to your potential customers if you don't invest in the effort to create an attractive and efficient landing page.

This Ruby app tutorial will demonstrate how to efficiently create and construct a landing page using the Ruby programming language with a lightweight application framework called Sinatra powered by ButterCMS. We’ll be building a landing page for a fictional Puppy training business.

Why use Ruby?

Ruby is a high-level, dynamic, open-source, and object-oriented programming language. It was created in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto. It is a popular language for building web applications, data analysis, and automation and is known for its simplicity and productivity. Below, let's discuss why we'd use Ruby.


Simple syntax is a characteristic of Ruby, which makes it simple to read and write code. As a result, building and maintaining landing pages can be made simpler due to time savings and less risk of errors. ​​Simple syntax reduces errors by providing clarity, consistency, and readability, making it easier to understand and write accurate code.


Ruby is a scalable language that handles high traffic and data quantities. It is suitable for creating landing pages that scale (creating and managing more content) as the business expands. In terms of scalability, Ruby provides several technical features that make it an attractive option for developing large-scale, high-performance systems. These qualities consist of:

  • Dynamic typing: Variable types are defined at runtime rather than during compilation. As a result, it might be simpler to write and adapt code fast. 

  • Object-oriented architecture: As Ruby is a fully object-oriented language, everything in it is an object. This design pattern can make code more maintainable and modular, which is crucial when developing complicated applications.

  • Support for multi-threading: Ruby offers multi-threading, allowing programmers to run several code threads simultaneously. This enables more effective resource management and may enhance application performance.


Ruby offers several integrations with other apps and services, such as content management systems like ButterCMS, cloud platforms, and database systems. That makes creating landing pages and improving processes easier.

Why use ButterCMS?

For web developers creating content-rich apps, ButterCMS, a headless CMS, offers a variety of features and advantages that may be appealing. Its support for multiple content types, easy migration, localization, collaboration tools, and user support can assist developers in swiftly and effectively building apps while ensuring that content is correct, accurate, and well-optimized for search engines.

Collections: Collections gather similar content, such as blog entries, items, or events. Setting a collection's fields—the discrete pieces of data that make up each item—allows you to specify the collection's structure.

Pages: In ButterCMS, page types let you create pages with a consistent layout but different information. This makes it easy to create multiple pages with similar designs but different content, such as articles, knowledge bases, or SEO landing pages.

Looking for a Ruby CMS that scales with your app? Get Started Now

Tutorial prerequisites

  • Basic knowledge of Ruby

  • An active ButterCMS account

  • A code editor (VS Code, preferably)

  • Knowledge of Sinatra

The code for this tutorial can be found in this repo. Here's a preview of what we will build:

Landing page created for the Ruby App Tutorial

Setting up the development environment

Sinatra is a lightweight web application framework written in the Ruby programming language. It is designed to make creating web applications and APIs easy and quick with minimal overhead and simple syntax.

To install Sinatra, copy and paste the following code into the command line:

gem install sinatra

Once Sintra is installed, let's create this folder structure and these files in our newly created folder.

 ┣ 📂public
 ┃ ┣ 📂assets
 ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜Bonding.png
 ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜BoneFeatures.png
 ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜HeartFeatures.png
 ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜HeroImage.png
 ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜HomeFeatures.png
 ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜Jake.png
 ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜Skating.png
 ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜TVFeature.png
 ┃ ┃ ┗ 📜logo.png
 ┃ ┗ 📜style.css
 ┣ 📂views
 ┃ ┗ 📜index.erb
 ┗ 📜app.rb

Building our landing page in ButterCMS

Let's head over to ButterCMS and create an account to get started. After creating an account, we'll be automatically directed to the ButterCMS dashboard.

On the dashboard's sidebar, let's access the Pages feature, one of the services Butter offers.

Select Pages from the side navigation menu

To create a new page, click the New Page button at the top right of the screen and click the Create New Page button.

Select New Page and then Create New Page

We’ll be directed to the screen where we define the schema configuration of our landing page application.

New Page configuration page

Here, we'll build our components so that we can add them to our landing page schema configuration.

To create our new components, click on the Component field.

Select component

Next, click on the Create Component button: 

Select create component

In this section, we define the different components we need for our landing page with various fields.

Create component using the component builder

Let’s begin with creating the Hero section.

Configuring the Hero component

On our landing page, our hero section comprises a hero title, a paragraph, and an image on the right. To configure that in ButterCMS, let’s add the following as fields in our hero component:

  • Short text  ⇢ hero_title

  • Longtext  ⇢ hero_subtitle

  • Media ⇢ hero_img

Here’s what it looks like:

Hero component configuration

After configuring the Hero component, let’s name our component Porpi Hero Component and click the Done button located at the top right of this section.

Name Porpi page hero component

Configuring the Services section

This section comprises four different items, each with the same structure (an image, a title, and a subtitle). Due to each item having the same structure, we will utilize the ButterCMS collection feature. We can configure this in Butter.

Let’s head over to the collection page by clicking the Collections tab on the left-hand side of the dashboard.

Select collections

Next, we’ll create a new collection by clicking on the New Item button at the top right corner of the page and then clicking on Create New Collection.

Select Create new Collection

Next, on the Collection Configuration page, add the following fields to the collection:

  • Media  ⇢ transform_img

  • Short text  ⇢ transform_header

  • Long text ⇢ transform_subtitle

Transform Dog collection configuration

Next, we click on the Create Collection button at the top right corner of the page.

Select Create Collection

Save the collection as Transform Dog Collection and click the Save as Collection button.

Save Collection as Transform Dog Collection

After clicking the button, we’ll be directed to a new page to create an item that belongs to the collection.

Add item to Transform Dog Collection

After that, press the Publish button as soon as you're done. Then, visit the API Explorer to see the data.

Access Transform Dog Collection item API Explorer

Here’s a preview of the API Explorer:

Transform Dog Collection Item API Explorer data

Add more items to the Transform Dog Collection

On our landing page, there are four items that comprise the Transform Your Dog's Life section. We added one. Let’s add three more pieces of data to populate the section.

To add a new item, click the Collections tab from the menu on the left side, then click the + symbol by the Transform Dog Collection.

Select Transform Dog Collection from Collection Menu

Next, let’s populate the data for our 2nd collection item.

Add content to second item for Transform Dog Collection

After that, click the Publish button and repeat the steps for the 3rd and 4th items.

Add the Transform Dog Collection to the landing page

Next, we’ll have to add the Transform Dog Collection to our page in ButterCMS by clicking on the Pages tab on the left side of the dashboard.

We’ll be directed to a page listing all our pages within Butter. Then, click on the Porpi Page.

Select Porpi Page

Next, click on the three-dotted icon located at the top of the page and select the Edit Schema option which will direct us to our page configuration schema.

Select Edit Schema

To add our collection to our page, we’ll select a reference field and add it to our page.

  • Reference ⇢ transform_dog_component

Add reference field for Transform Dog Collection

Next, click the Save button.

Save schema changes

Configuring the Connect Porpi collection 

This section comprises four different items, each with the same structure (an image, a header, and a subtitle). Due to each item having the same structure, we will also utilize the ButterCMS Collections feature. The collection we build will be for the Connect with Your Porpi section seen in the GIF at the beginning of this tutorial.

Select collections

Next, we’ll create a new collection by clicking on the New Item button at the top right corner of the page and clicking on Create New Collection.

Select Create new Collection

Next, on the Collection Configuration page, add the following fields to the collection:

  • Short text ⇢ connect_header

  • Long text  ⇢ connect_subtitle

  • Media  ⇢ connect_image

Connect Porpi configuration

Next, we click on the Create Collection button at the top right corner of the page.

Then save the collection as Connect Porpi Collection.

Name collection Connect Porpi Collection

After clicking the button, we’ll be directed to a new page to create a new item for the collection.

Add data to Connect Porpi Collection item

After that, press the Publish button as soon as you're done. Then, visit the API Explorer to see the data.

Here’s a preview of the API Explorer:

Connect Porpi Collection item API Explorer data

On our landing page, there are two items in this section. We added one. Let’s add another item to the collection.

To add another item, click the Collections tab from the menu on the left side, then click the + icon by the Connect Porpi Collection.

Select Connect Porpi Collection from Collections Menu

Next, let’s populate the data for our second collection.

Add data to section item in the Connect Porpi Collection

After that, click the Publish button.

Add the Connect Porpi Collection to our page

Next, we’ll have to add the Connect Porpi Collection to our page in ButterCMS by clicking on the Pages tab on the left side of the dashboard.

We’ll be directed to a page listing all our pages within Butter. Then, click on Porpi Page.

Next, click on the three-dotted icon located at the top of the page and select the Edit Schema option, which will direct us to our page configuration schema.

Select Edit Schema

Just like we added the previous collection to our page, let’s add the Connect Porpi Collection by selecting the reference field and adding it to our page.

  • Reference ⇢ connect_porpi_component

Add reference for the Connect Porpi Collection

Then, we’ll click on the Save button.

Adding content to our landing page

We’ve added all of the created sections to our page. Now, let's add our content.

To do this, click on the back arrow at the top left of the page, and we’ll be directed to where we can add our content.

Select the back arrow after saving the schema changes

Then, enter the page title and description, which we'll name as Porpi Page, and click Save Page Metadata.

Name landing page "Porpi Page"

First, enter content to your Hero component fields.

Next, to add items from our collections, we click on the Add Reference buttons. Please do this for both the Transform Dog and Connect Porpi components:

Add content to Hero component and select the reference button to begin adding references to the collections built earlier.

Next, we select all the collection items we’ll be using and click the Use Selected button.

Select your collection items to add to the page and then click "Use Selected"

When we're done, click on the Publish button and visit the API Explorer to preview.

API Explorer for landing page

Integrating ButterCMS with Ruby

Since we created our folders and files earlier, let's return to our code editor and connect ButterCMS to our Ruby application. 

To do that, we need to have a secret key which we can find on the Settings page of the ButterCMS website.

Select Settings

Let's copy our secret key, which we’d use to fetch our data from ButterCMS.

See API Tokens

In our code editor, let's head over to our app.rb file and copy and paste the following code:

require 'sinatra'
require 'json'
require 'net/http'

set :public_folder, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'public')

get '/' do
 uri = URI('YOUR API_KEY') # Replace with your API endpoint
 response = Net::HTTP.get(uri)
 data = JSON.parse(response)

 # Render the data in an HTML template

 puts data['data']['fields']['porpi_hero_component']
 erb :index, locals: { data: data['data']['fields']}


The code above uses the Sinatra web framework, which we will use for this project to create a route for the homepage (/). When a user visits the homepage, the code fetches some data from a remote API using the Net::HTTP library and parses it as JSON using the JSON library.

The fetched data is rendered in an HTML template using the ERB templating engine. The locals option of the ERB method is used to pass the fetched data as a local variable named “data” to the HTML template.

The set method is used to specify the location of the public folder, which serves static files like CSS, JavaScript, and images. The File.join and File.dirname(__FILE__) methods are used to construct a file path to the public folder based on the current file's location.

Looking for a Ruby CMS that scales with your app? Get Started Now

The Navbar section

Our navigation bar component consists of using a div element. The navigation bar contains two sections: a logo container and a link container.

The logo container contains an image and a heading. The image is specified using the img tag and the src attribute, which points to an image file named logo.png in the assets folder. The heading uses the h1 tag and contains the text "Porpi".

The link container contains three links, each specified using the p tag with the class nav_links. The links are labeled "Blog," "About us," and "Contact."

We can also add our navbar to ButterCMS, and you can do so by following this tutorial in the ButterCMS Knowledge Base. ButterCMS provides a simple and efficient way to build and manage navigation menus, allowing you to focus on creating great content for your website.

 <!-- //nav bar -->
   <div class="nav_container">
     <div class="logo_container">
       <img src="assets/logo.png" alt="" class="logoImg" />
       <h1 class="logo">Porpi</h1>
     <div class="link_container">
       <p class="nav_links">Blog</p>
       <p class="nav_links">About us</p>
       <p class="nav_links">Contact</p>

Here’s the styling for our navbar:

a {
 cursor: pointer;

.logo {
 font-size: 2rem;
 margin-left: 10px;

.logoImg {
 width: 50px;

.logo_container {
 display: flex;
 align-items: center;

.nav_container {
 display: flex;
 align-items: center;
 justify-content: space-between;
 position: sticky;
 top: 0;
 background-color: #fff;

.link_container {
 display: flex;
 align-items: center;

.nav_links {
 margin-left: 30px;

The Hero section

The code below creates a hero section for our web page with dynamic content using the div element. The section consists of a hero content container with a heading, a paragraph, and an image container with an image. 

The content is dynamically populated using data fetched from ButterCMS using the Sinatra route and injected into the HTML using ERB syntax. The Hero section is a prominent section at the top of our web page designed to catch the user's attention and provide an introduction to the page's content.

<div class="hero_container">
     <div class="hero_content">
       <h1>  <%= data['porpi_hero_component']['hero_title'] %></h1>
       <%= data['porpi_hero_component']['hero_subtitle'] %>
     <div class="img_container">
       <img src=  <%= data['porpi_hero_component']['hero_img'] %>
       class="hero_img" />

Here’s the styling for our hero section:

.hero_container {
 display: flex;
 align-items: center;
 justify-content: center;

.hero_content h1 {
 font-weight: 500;
 font-size: 3rem;

.hero_content p {
 font-weight: 400;
 font-size: 18px;
 line-height: 26px;
 text-decoration: none;
 color: rgb(116, 116, 118);
.img_container {
 width: 100%;
 text-align: end;
.hero_img {
 width: 400px;

The Transform Your Dog's Life section

This section specifies the heading using the h2 tag and contains the static text "Transform your dog's life". Next, the feature boxes are specified using a loop that iterates through the transform_dog_component field in the data and creates a feature box for each item. Each feature box contains an avatar image, a title, and a subtitle, which are populated using dynamic data from the current item in the loop.

<!-- Tranform section -->

   <h2> Transform your dogs life</h2>
   <div class="feature_container">

   <% data['transform_dog_component'].each do |item|%>
     <div class="features_box">
     <div class="feature_avatar avatar_2">
       <img src=<%= item['transform_img']%>
     <h3 class="features_title"><%= item['transform_header']%></h3>
     <p><%= item['transform_subtitle']%></p>

   <% end %>

Here’s the styling for this section:

/* feeatures */

.feature_container {
 display: flex;
 margin-top: 3rem;

.features_box {
 margin-right: 30px;

.feature_avatar {
 width: 100px;
 height: 100px;
 border-radius: 50px;
 display: flex;
 align-items: center;
 justify-content: center;

.feature_avatar img {
 width: 30px;
 height: 30px;
 object-fit: cover;

.avatar_1 {
 background-color: #ffbd2e;

The Connect with Your Porpi section

This section generates a dynamic component with one or more "care containers", each containing a heading, subheading, paragraph, and image. The dynamic content is fetched from ButterCMS. The data variable passed from the Sinatra route is injected into the HTML using ERB syntax. 

<div class="care_section">

   <% data['connect_porpi_component'].each do |item|%>
     <div class="care_container">
     <div class="care_content">
       <h2><%= item['connect_header']%></h2>
       <%= item['connect_subtitle']%>
     <div class="img_container">
       <img src=<%= item['connect_image']%> class="care_img" />
   <% end %>

Here’s the styling for this section:

.care_section {
 margin: 3rem 0;

.care_container {
 display: flex;
 align-items: center;
 margin-top: 2rem;

.care_content h1 {
 font-weight: 500;
 font-size: 3rem;

.care_content p {
 font-weight: 400;
 font-size: 18px;
 line-height: 26px;
 text-decoration: none;
 color: rgb(116, 116, 118);

.care_img {
 width: 400px;
 border-radius: 25px;

The Footer section

The footer consists of four columns, each containing a header and one or more links. The first column contains the Porpi logo and a copyright notice. The second and third columns contain links to the homepage, blog, and information about the company. Finally, the fourth column contains links to legal information, such as the terms of use and privacy policy.

       <div class="logo_container">
         <img src="assets/logo.png" alt="" class="logoImg" />
         <h1 class="logo">Porpi</h1>
       <p>(c) 2023 All rights reserved.</p>

       <p class="footer_header">Porpi</p>

       <p class="footer_header">Company</p>
       <p><a>About us</a></p>

       <p class="footer_header">Legal</p>
       <p><a>Terms of Use</a></p>
       <p><a>Privacy Policy</a></p>

Here’s the styling for this section:

footer h3 {
 margin: 5px 0;
 width: fit-content;

footer {
 display: flex;
 justify-content: space-between;
 height: 300px;
 align-items: center;

.footer_header {
 color: grey;

Now, let’s render our landing page after fetching all our content from ButterCMS:

Landing page created for the Ruby App Tutorial

Closing thoughts

Ruby developers can build scalable, maintainable websites and applications by utilizing ButterCMS's powerful features such as collections, pages, and components. When combined, ButterCMS and Ruby offer the tools and functionality you need to provide compelling, personalized, and engaging web experiences to your users, whether you're developing a blog or a landing page.

To learn more about ButterCMS and its features, head over to the official ButterCMS knowledge base. A job well done, now you can build a landing page powered by ButterCMS with Ruby. If you'd like to know more about how you can use ButterCMS with Ruby, check out the following tutorials:

Make sure you receive the freshest Ruby tutorials and Butter product updates.
Eze Nnaemeka

Self-driven engineer with over 3 years of experience that places figuratively cutting-edge collaborative and team efforts. Who's currently focused on developing advanced software development and leadership skills.

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