Unpublishing Blog Posts, Pages, and Collections

Unpublishing a Blog Post

1. Open the blog post you would like to unpublish and click on the Unpublish button at the top of your screen:

Unpublishing a Page

To unpublish a Page, just click on the ellipsis button (three dots) > Unpublish:

Scheduled Unpublishing of a Page

You can schedule a page to get unpublished by clicking on the ellipsis button (three dots) > Schedule Unpublish.

Scheduled Unpublishing of a Collection

You can schedule a collection item to get unpublished by clicking on the ellipsis button (three dots) > Schedule Unpublish.


  • If a page or collection has 1 version published, unpublishing it would result in v1 set to draft.
  • If version 1 of a page or collection is published, and version 2 is draft, unpublishing it causes version 1 to become in "locked" status leaving version 2 as a draft.
  • If version 1 of a page or collection is locked, and version 2 is published, unpublishing it causes version 2 to become draft while version 1 remains locked
  • Pages and collections WITHOUT a published version wouldn't show up in your API calls unless you're passing preview=1, which results in the draft version of the Page content being returned.

Symbols for Versions

Draft - This version is in Draft and will only appear for the current active draft.

Published - This is the currently Published version.

Locked - This version was a previously Published version and can no longer be modified.  It can however be reverted back to.

Note: Version history helps you to recover content and media that have changed.  If changes are made to the content modeling of a page or collection, i.e. content fields have been added or deleted, only the currently published content fields that have been configured will be available for any version.

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