ButterCMS Account Clean-up Tips

Having an easy-to-use CMS system is one of the many reasons people melt over ButterCMS. But after years of using Butter, there can be old content, schemas, and users that might need to be removed from your account. To help clean up your account we have put together the following suggestions. 

Review Users

Review the users in your account. Verify that all users should have access to ButterCMS and that they have the appropriate permissions. If not, contact your Customer Success Manager about adding a custom role with more refined permissions. 

Removing users provides an additional layer of security for your team. This is an overview of how to remove users from an account with a single environment and an account with multiple sites or environments.  

Clean Up the Media Library

Review your media library to ensure that current logos and assets are loaded into the library. If needed, you can replace old images with new ones to help ensure any old logos or images are replaced. Learn more about replacing images here. 

Pro Tip! Add tags to your images to your media assets to allow for quick and easy search.

Review Page Types, Collections, and Components

ButterCMS recommends conducting an internal audit of content to help ensure your team is using the most up-to-date schemas. Using internal audit practices that best fit your team's workflow is recommended. We suggest a process that allows you to determine if schemas and content are no longer in use then working to sunset and phase out outdated schemas is recommended. 

Pro Tip! When updating content, always be sure to check your dashboard to see where content is being used:

Review Naming Conventions and Component Helper Text

Re-labeling old components, collections, or pages can allow for faster development in the future and increase accuracy as you work to sunset, or retire old schemas. This also ensures that content teams are able to quickly use and update content with the most current schemas.

ButterCMS also recommends adding help text and thumbnail images to all components. This will speed up your team's ability to select the right component. You can learn more about how to do this here

Pro Tip! Use a versioning naming convention for components. Such as “CTA_v2”, and “CTA_v3”, this makes it clear to your teams which version is the most recent. 

Update, Remove or Redirect Outdated Content

Outdated content could be hurting your SEO performance. Be sure to update old content. If needed, outdated or defunct content can be redirected using 301 redirects or removed. Ensuring current content is displayed on your website and that redirects are set up correctly can enhance your SEO efficiency. From an SEO perspective content should typically be updated every 6 months with a new publish date to alert Google to the new changes.


Helpful links:

Google’s Refreshing Outdated Content Tool

Curious about managing your redirects within ButterCMS? Take a look at this example

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