Contentful vs. WordPress - Which Headless CMS is Best?

Posted by Sam Victor on November 21, 2023

Selecting a content management system (CMS) is a crucial decision for software development, and developers play a pivotal role in choosing the right one. Contentful and WordPress are two popular CMS platforms often considered. 

From a developer's perspective, an ideal CMS should prioritize ease of use for technical and non-technical users, enable speedy project launches, offer scalability to accommodate growth, provide extensive customization options, ensure robust security and maintenance features, and offer access to a supportive ecosystem and community. These factors simplify content creation and management, enhancing the developer experience, and should remain top considerations as core buying criteria.

In this article, we will examine Contentful and WordPress from a developer's perspective, delving into their differences and how they meet project needs. Additionally, we will examine how ButterCMS emerges as the ideal alternative to both platforms for developers seeking a versatile and user-friendly solution for their content management needs.

By the end of this article, you will understand which CMS suits your team’s needs and development requirements. 

Our Buying Criteria in Detail

When selecting a CMS, there are important factors to consider to ensure the best fit for your development team and project requirements. These criteria help evaluate the capabilities and suitability of a CMS platform. Let's take a look at these considerations.

Ease of Use

Ease of use is crucial when choosing a CMS, particularly for developers and content editors. A clean user interface (UI), developer-friendly tools with comprehensive documentation, and a short learning curve are key elements that enhance efficiency and productivity. These aspects contribute to the ease of use of a CMS, allowing developers to manage content and ensure a seamless user experience.

Speed of Launch

The speed of CMS setup and deployment is vital, especially for time-sensitive projects. Key factors include a quick setup process with minimal dependencies, cloud-based hosting for rapid deployment, responsive customer support, prebuilt templates, and efficient content migration tools. These elements contribute to a faster CMS launch, a crucial component for meeting tight deadlines and project requirements.


Scalability is critical for a CMS, enabling it to handle growth and increased demand without performance issues. A scalable CMS should support caching, seamlessly integrate with content delivery networks (CDN), and incorporate load balancing and a robust database to manage varying traffic levels effectively. Choosing a headless CMS ensures long-term flexibility and delivers a seamless user experience as your project evolves and expands.

Flexibility and Customization

When selecting a CMS, flexibility and customization are vital factors to consider. A flexible CMS enables content structuring through custom content types and relationships. At the same time, customization options such as themes and styling allow tailored user experiences. Extensible application programming interfaces (API), plugins, and modules enhance the CMS's adaptability, enabling your team to create a customized solution that effectively meets diverse project needs and empowers users.

Security and Maintenance

When choosing a CMS, prioritizing security and maintenance is paramount. A secure CMS should include encryption and access controls to protect sensitive data against cyber threats. Regular maintenance, including updates and patches, ensures system security and optimal performance. Opting for a CMS that undergoes security audits, complies with data privacy regulations, offers reliable backup and recovery mechanisms, and provides responsive support and comprehensive documentation demonstrates a commitment to safeguarding user information and maintaining smooth operations.

Ecosystem and Community Support

A CMS's ecosystem and community support are crucial for project success. A robust ecosystem with extensions and integrations enhances functionality and accelerates development. Engaging in a developer community promotes knowledge exchange and collaborative problem solving, and comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and user forums facilitate user adoption and utilization of the CMS's features.

What to Know About Contentful

Contentful is a headless content management system (CMS) designed to simplify the creation and distribution of content across digital platforms. It provides a scalable solution that allows developers to create, manage, and deliver content effortlessly. It introduces a decoupled approach where content creation and management are separated from the presentation layer of a website or application.

Core Features of Contentful

Here are a few core features of Contentful worth considering:

  • Content modeling: Contentful provides developers with a content modeling system that allows them to define custom content structures and establish relationships between elements. This includes creating custom fields tailored to specific content types, enforcing validation rules, and offering control over content organization and integrity.

  • Webhooks: Contentful supports real-time notifications and automatic updates when content changes occur, facilitating integration with services and applications.

  • Extensibility and integrations: Contentful enables developers to enhance their capabilities through integrations and extensions, supporting frontend, backend, and custom app packages using their App framework. Thanks to its library of integrations, you can connect Contentful with tools like Shopify, Google Analytics, and Slack.

  • Content Delivery API (CDA): Developers can fetch content from the platform’s backend with the Content Delivery API and deliver it to frontend applications. Contentful’s CDA supports programming languages like JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and Java and frameworks like React, Angular, Vue.js, and Django.

  • Efficient asset management: Contentful offers robust asset management capabilities for organizing and managing digital assets such as images, videos, and documents. It supports file formats and provides APIs for access and manipulation of assets.

  • Localization and internationalization: Contentful streamlines content management in multiple languages by providing support for localization, which allows developers to deliver content tailored to diverse audiences. Additionally, the platform offers features for translation management, simplifying the translation process, and ensuring content consistency across languages. Content variations enable developers to create multiple versions of their content for different languages while maintaining a single source of truth.

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Pros of Contentful

Contentful offers a range of advantages that make it a compelling choice for developers seeking a flexible and feature-rich content management solution. Let’s look at some of its features.

Headless architecture

By separating backend content management from frontend presentation, Contentful's headless CMS architecture allows developers to use the tools and frameworks they choose to create websites, mobile apps, and digital experiences.

Flexible content modeling

Contentful's content modeling system enables developers to create customized content types with fields and establish relationships between them. This allows developers to manage a diverse array of content models tailored to their project requirements.

Robust API and SDKs

Contentful offers an API ecosystem with multiple APIs and software development kits (SDKs) tailored to different programming languages and use cases. One notable example is the Contentful Management API, which allows developers to create, update, and manage content within Contentful's platform programmatically. This API enables developers to build and customize digital experiences, leveraging Contentful's infrastructure instead of starting from scratch.

Real-time updates

Contentful enables collaboration between content editors and developers through webhooks and real-time notification support. Changes made to the content are automatically synchronized across its platforms.

Cons of Contentful

When considering Contentful as a CMS, it's crucial to know its limitations and potential drawbacks. Let's look at some of them.


The pricing structure of Contentful might raise concerns among users working on larger projects with high volumes of content or enterprise-level needs. Costs can increase exponentially as more users are added or API requests grow.

Limited backend customization

The limited capacity for backend logic modification in Contentful may pose challenges for certain enterprises. While Contentful permits adjustments to content presentation, it provides little control over backend logic. This implies a restriction in altering how Contentful handles data storage and retrieval. This constraint may present a limitation for businesses requiring extensive backend functionality modifications to align with their unique needs.

Integration complexity

Contentful's integration setup and configuration can be complex, particularly for developers new to Contentful or lacking experience with similar platforms. Navigating the intricacies of content modeling, API utilization, and custom integrations may require additional time and effort, potentially slowing development workflows. This complexity in integration can be a concern, especially for those seeking a more straightforward and expedited development process.

Learning curve

Contentful's learning curve can be significant for developers new to the platform and some migrating from a traditional CMS like WordPress. One specific challenge is grasping the intricacies of content modeling, which involves understanding how to structure content types and relationships effectively. Also, using GraphQL API can be challenging for teams without prior experience. This complexity is often highlighted in user reviews on platforms like G2, where users may mention the initial confusion around configuring Contentful's content models to align with their project needs and using GraphQL. Additionally, becoming proficient with Contentful's APIs may require extra time and effort, making it essential for developers to invest in exploring the platform's documentation thoroughly.

Limited offline support

Contentful’s limited offline support makes it impossible to use Contentful offline. Some features and functionality, such as editing and managing content, may only be available when the device is connected to the internet. This is a drawback for developers with unstable network connections.

Ease of use

While Contentful aims to be user-friendly, some users may find it less intuitive than other CMS platforms, especially those new to Contentful. This drawback can manifest as a steeper learning curve, increased setup time, navigation challenges, and potential errors such as misconfigured content models. Additionally, due to nested content models, which lead to more complex hierarchical data structures, one can get lost on the platform if they are not well-versed in how to work with nested content structures. These challenges can impact productivity and the overall development experience.

Speed to launch

Setting up a CMS like Contentful may require more initial development and configuration than WordPress because it involves the creation of custom content types, API integrations, and structuring data in a specific way to suit the project's unique needs. This process demands more technical expertise and time than WordPress, which provides more pre-built content structures and user-friendly interfaces, reducing the initial setup time.

Contentful Pricing

Here’s a basic breakdown of Contentful’s pricing:












Role Types

Admin, Editor, Author, Translator






API Calls

1,000,000/month +

2,000,000/month +

Waived, no costs

Asset Bandwidth (CDN) Usage Limit

0.1 TB/month + space

0.75 TB/month + space(s)

Custom (with paid overages)

Asset Upload Size

50 MB

1000 MB

1000 MB

Editorial Experience

Rich text and markdown editor,

Image editor,

Scheduled publishing



Monthly, credit card

Annual, multiple payment options


Space Licenses

Intro Free

Intro Medium + $350/month


Content Types












Additional API Calls Usage




Additional Asset Bandwidth Usage

0.75 TB

0.75 TB


Account Entitlements

Included Space License

Free license

Medium license at $350/month



Self-service resources only

Standard technical support

Prioritized customer support

Governance and Compliance

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Custom domain

What to Know About WordPress

WordPress is a widely used content management system (CMS) known for its popularity and longevity in the CMS space. WordPress began as a blogging platform but has now progressed into a full-featured CMS used to develop several websites ranging from blogs to multilayered e-commerce sites and corporate websites. WordPress adheres to a more traditional monolithic CMS structure where content and presentation are tightly intertwined. 

Core Features of WordPress

  • Extensibility with plugins: WordPress's ecosystem of plugins enables users to enhance the platform's functionality without having to write custom code. 

    • Yoast SEO: Helps with search engine optimization (SEO) by providing tools to optimize your website's content for better rankings.

    • WooCommerce: An e-commerce plugin that enables you to create and manage online stores, sell products, and accept payments.

    • Akismet anti-spam: This helps protect your website from spam comments and contact form submissions.

    • Jetpack: Provides tools to enhance your WordPress site's security, performance, and functionality.

    • Contact Form 7: A plugin for creating and managing contact forms on your website.

  • Themes and template system: WordPress provides a collection of themes that govern the presentation of websites. With design options and layout choices available, users can discover options that align with their design preferences and requirements for their site's appearance.

  • Database abstraction: WordPress has a feature called database abstraction, allowing it to work with database management systems. You can run WordPress on platforms like shared hosting, virtual private servers (VPS), cloud hosting, and local development environments.

  • Multilingual support: Another advantage of WordPress is its language support. WordPress includes a set of features that include built-in Internationalization (i18n) and Localization (l10n) tools that enable developers to prepare themes and plugins for translation and adapt content for specific languages or regions. The system incorporates Translation Files (POT, PO, MO) to facilitate language switching, ensuring a multilingual experience for users.

  • Caching and performance optimization: WordPress uses caching techniques such as Page, Object, Opcode, Browser, and Fragment caching systems to optimize website performance. Caching reduces server load and accelerates page loading times, improving user experience.

  • Community and documentation: WordPress is popular due to its community of developers and users. They contribute to the platform's development by providing updates, documentation, tutorials, and support through forums.

Pros of WordPress

Let's explore the strengths and advantages of WordPress to make an informed decision when choosing a CMS for your project.

Extensive customization options

Extensive customization options in WordPress, including themes, plugins, and code-level modifications, benefit developers by allowing for tailored solutions. Knowledge of languages like PHP is often necessary for in-depth customizations.

Large and active community

WordPress benefits from an active community of millions of users, designers, and developers. This community provides access to a repository of knowledge, forums, and tutorials for assistance and support. It also contributes to its array of plugins, enriching the ecosystem.

Plugin ecosystem

WordPress has a wide array of plugins available in its repository. These plugins extend the platform’s capabilities beyond its core features, allowing developers to enhance SEO, improve security, and add e-commerce functionality. This library of plugins empowers developers to tailor websites to meet their client's specific needs, saving time and effort in the development process.


WordPress has essential SEO features, such as customizable URLs and metadata. It provides access to SEO plugins like Yoast SEO that enable developers to fine-tune their websites' search engine optimization practices for performance.

Cons of WordPress

Security vulnerabilities

Given its popularity, WordPress is susceptible to security breaches. These vulnerabilities can arise from themes, plugins, or core files. It is crucial to update and implement security measures to minimize these risks.

Performance and optimization

When choosing themes and plugins for your WordPress website, selecting optimized options is essential to avoid performance issues. It’s worth noting that themes or plugins with coded scripts or those that require a lot of resources can impact both the loading speed of your website and its overall performance.

Dependency on themes and plugins

While themes and plugins can significantly enhance the functionality of WordPress, it’s important not to rely on them as this may lead to compatibility issues, especially when updating either the platform itself or individual components. To minimize any conflicts, it’s advisable to choose well-maintained themes and plugins.

Ease of use

WordPress is recognized for being user-friendly, making basic website management accessible to a wide range of users. However, as users venture into more complex tasks such as in-depth customizations, intricate themes, and plugin configurations, the platform's complexity becomes apparent, and a steep learning curve emerges. This intricacy is a drawback, particularly for those new to website development or content management systems. For developers aiming to unlock the full potential of WordPress and implement highly customized solutions, the significant learning curve demands substantial time and effort to become proficient.

Database and scalability

WordPress utilizes a database system for storing data, which can pose challenges in terms of performance and scalability when dealing with large-scale websites experiencing traffic. However, implementing caching mechanisms along with optimization strategies can help address these concerns. 

Users must prioritize performance optimization measures, select themes and plugins well, and consider scalability requirements before using WordPress for their projects.

Speed to launch

Speed to launch can be a drawback when using WordPress to build specific complex projects like e-commerce platforms with extensive catalogs due to configuring large product catalogs with thousands of SKUs, along with advanced e-commerce features, can take time and effort. Customizing themes, selecting plugins, and ensuring optimal performance also add time to the website development process, which is not ideal for those who need to launch a website quickly.


WordPress offers a cost-effective starting point as it’s open-source and free to use. However, developers should consider expenses related to web hosting, domain registration, and potentially premium themes and plugins when creating and customizing websites. The flexibility in pricing allows developers to choose the components and services that best suit their project requirements and budget constraints.

WordPress Pricing

Here’s a basic breakdown of WordPress’s pricing:

Essential features







$8 per month, 

$96 billed annually

$25 per month, 

$300 billed annually

$45 per month, 

$540 billed annually

$4 per month, 

$48 billed annually


No expiration date

Unlimited pages

Unlimited users

Premium themes

Style customization

Free domain for one year

Storage space

13 GB

50 GB

50 GB

6 GB

1 GB

Unrestricted bandwidth

Visitor stats

Install plugins & themes

auto updates

Tools for SEO

Real-time backups

Transaction fees for payments

4% commission fee (plus standard processing fee) for payments.

2% commission fee (plus standard processing fee) for standard payment features.

0% commission fee (plus standard processing fee) for standard WooCommerce payment features

0% commission fee (plus standard processing fee) for all payment features.

8% commission fee (plus standard processing fee) for payments.

10% commission fee (plus standard processing fee) for payments.

Extremely fast DNS with SSL

Global CDN with 28+ locations

SFTP/SSH, WP-CLI, Git tools

Brute-force protection

Pay with PayPal

You can find more information on the WordPress pricing page.

WordPress vs. Contentful Feature Comparison Chart

The previous sections discussed the advantages and disadvantages of Contentful and WordPress for developers. This section incorporates a chart that summarizes and compares the features of both platforms.




Content modeling






Extensibility and integrations



Content Delivery API (CDA)



Efficient asset management



Localization and internationalization



Extensibility with plugins



Themes and template system



Database abstraction

Yes, with support for various database management systems

Yes, with cloud-based hosting

Multilingual support



Caching and performance optimization



Community and documentation

Large community 

Smaller community

ButterCMS as a Welcomed Alternative

In exploring content management systems, we've discussed the merits of Contentful and WordPress. Now, let's introduce ButterCMS as a noteworthy alternative to both solutions with its distinctive strengths. 

ButterCMS is a user-friendly headless CMS that simplifies content creation, management, and delivery. It's a standout choice for developers and marketers, offering an intuitive interface, seamless integration capabilities, and robust developer tools.

With its API-driven approach, ButterCMS enables content to be displayed across various platforms and devices, while cloud-based hosting ensures scalability for swift launches. Its collaborative workflow features real-time updates and user-friendly tools, making it a versatile and efficient solution for your CMS needs. This section will explore why ButterCMS should be considered a top alternative by addressing key factors influencing the CMS selection process.

How ButterCMS stands out

ButterCMS distinguishes itself from Conentful and WordPress through several key features that set it apart from other CMS platforms.

Prebuilt CMS components

One standout feature of ButterCMS is its prebuilt CMS components, including SEO and social settings, hero section, footer, contact form, etc. Developers can leverage these components to streamline the implementation of standard content management functionalities and accelerate launch speed.

Developers can significantly benefit from integrating these components as it allows them to concentrate on crafting user experiences without building everything from the ground up. 

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Fast and dependable content delivery

One of the standout aspects of ButterCMS is its focus on content delivery through a Content Delivery Network (CDN). Using this approach, ButterCMS reduces delays, improves loading times, and enhances user experiences by serving server content. This commitment to content distribution aligns perfectly with the expectations of users who value high-performance online experiences.

Seamless integration with any tech stack

ButterCMS excels in integrating existing technology stacks, allowing developers to integrate it into their ecosystem effortlessly. With integration options like APIs and SDKs for programming languages over 29+ tech stacks, developers can enhance their projects with dynamic content while maintaining their established systems. This developer-centric approach sets ButterCMS apart from its competitors. ButterCMS prioritizes simplicity and ease of integration, significantly enhancing the developer experience and streamlining dynamic content into projects. This showcases ButterCMS's adaptability and dedication to seamlessly fitting solutions into the development environments.

Content importing and synchronization

ButterCMS surpasses content importing and synchronization expectations by offering tools such as content migration utilities, data mapping and transformation capabilities, version control features, and scheduled synchronization options for migrating content from existing platforms while preserving its structure. 

SEO features for better SERP visibility

ButterCMS prioritizes key SEO practices that benefit developers by enhancing website visibility and user experience. With features such as optimized tags, clean URLs, and support for schema markup, ButterCMS aligns with essential SEO practices. These practices, including optimizing metadata and structuring data for search engines, contribute to improved search engine rankings. Developers benefit from these built-in SEO features, as they help boost a website's performance and visibility without requiring extensive manual optimization efforts.

Dedicated support and developer resources

For developers, ButterCMS goes above and beyond in offering exceptional support and a wealth of resources. As the reviews on highlight, ButterCMS’s support team responsiveness and dedication are exceptional, ensuring that any concerns or issues are promptly addressed. ButterCMS provides developers hands-on support and many resources, including extensive documentation, tutorials, and practical code examples. This combination ensures developers have everything they need to harness the platform's capabilities fully. Unsurprisingly, the company’s customer support is consistently praised for being top-notch, quick to offer helpful answers, and willing to work through challenges. 

Ease of use

Another standout aspect of ButterCMS from a developer's perspective is its simplicity, offering a developer- and marketer-friendly interface. The platform's design prioritizes ease of use to facilitate onboarding for developers and marketers. This means developers can seamlessly integrate their applications with ButterCMS without facing a steep learning curve or complex setup processes. ButterCMS's commitment to simplicity contributes to a streamlined content management experience, enhancing developers' productivity while ensuring efficient collaboration with content editors.

Speed to launch

ButterCMS significantly accelerates platform launch from a developer's perspective by offering powerful features. ButterCMS is rated as one of the easiest-to-use headless CMSs by marketers and developers based on reviews from sites like,, and ButterCMS simplifies content management with an intuitive content modeling interface and seamless API integration. Features like flexible content types, customizable pages, collections, a pre-built blog engine, built-in SEO tools, and robust field types streamline development tasks. ButterCMS also provides content validation, revision history, and scheduling, ensuring efficient project delivery. With one Content API for web and mobile experiences, developers can effortlessly create dynamic, localized websites and more. These features collectively empower developers to expedite project deployment and meet the demands of fast-paced development cycles.

ButterCMS vs. WordPress vs. Contentful User Comparison Chart

Based on the essential factors to ensure the best fit for your development team and project requirements, we can thoroughly compare these CMS platforms.





Meets requirements

9.1 ⭐️



Ease of use

9.3 ⭐️



Ease of setup

9.2 ⭐️



Ease of admin

9.2 ⭐️



Quality of support

9.7 ⭐️



Has the product been a good partner

9.7 ⭐️



Product direction (% positive)

9.1 ⭐️



As seen in the table above, Butter excels higher and above or at 9.1 across every rating.

Final thoughts

When choosing a CMS, it's essential to consider your project's unique needs and goals. While Contentful offers flexibility and developer-focused capabilities, WordPress provides a user-friendly interface and a wide range of plugins. However, ButterCMS is the ideal option, offering a perfect blend of user-friendliness, integration capabilities, and prebuilt CMS components. Its commitment to content delivery and robust support make it a superior choice for efficiently meeting your CMS requirements. Ultimately, your choice should align with your project's specific requirements, and ButterCMS excels in providing a compelling solution for a seamless user experience.

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Sam Victor

Sam Victor is a Full-stack Blockchain, mobile, and web developer who works with languages such as Solidity, Rust, Flutter, and most Javascript languages. He is passionate about innovation, community, developer advocacy, and open-source technologies.

ButterCMS is the #1 rated Headless CMS

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