Meet the Gatsby blog engine that integrates with your website using a straightforward API. Smooth, simple, and tasty content integration — that’s Butter.
So easy to use. So easy to customize. You’re going to love the blog you build with ButterCMS.
Handy integration with Gatsby.js
Our Gatsby blog engine has a simple content API and drop-in SDKs that make the magic happen in minutes, not hours.
A truly zero-maintenance solution
With ButterCMS, you’ll never worry about security upgrades, hosting, or performance again.
You've got better things to do than build another blog
Drop our Gatsby blog engine into your app, and get back to more interesting problems.
ButterCMS is an API-based blog engine that integrates seamlessly with new and existing Gatsby apps. It's great for SEO, and provides a clean and modern user interface that your marketing team will love. You can deploy ButterCMS in minutes using our Gatsby API client.
That leaves plenty of time for you and your marketing team to do what you do best: create killer apps with killer content.
After shopping the market, it was clear that ButterCMS was the perfect choice. It allows our developers to build powerful components and makes it easy for our marketing team to drive a better customer experience.
Hampton Catlin Creator of Sass and Haml
Deploy our Gatsby starter in 30 seconds
Or follow the below commands to clone a copy of the repo from github, install dependencies, set your free Butter token, and
run your local server.
$ git clone
$ cd gatsbyjs-starter-buttercms
$ npm install
$ echo 'BUTTER_CMS_API_KEY=your_free_api_token_here' >> .env
$ npm run develop
ButterCMS is the best Gatsby blog engine for a simple reason: Gatsby developers can build solutions that marketing people love. Our API allows your content gurus to quickly spin up high-converting blog templates, sidebars, related content features, and more, all using simple drag-and-drop functionality.
Our mission was to make it easy to integrate Butter with your existing Gatsby app in minutes. It’s so simple! To demonstrate, here’s a mini tutorial to give you a feel for the process of adding Butter to your Gatsby.js app.
See how easily you can integrate the ButterCMS Pages API with your Gatsby.js app.
Seamless Gatsby components
Empower your marketing team to create a customized blog engine that aligns perfectly with your Gatsby components.
Components are the essential building blocks of any Gatsby app, and ButterCMS handles them with ease.
Our drag and drop interface makes it simple to structure your content to match existing Gatsby components and to create new reusable components whenever you need them.
The best Gatsby blog engine for SEO
ButterCMS gives you absolute control over on-page SEO ranking factors. Key SEO variables are built into our default post template, giving your marketing team direct access to configure all of these settings, and more.
How to integrate ButterCMS into your Gatsby application
Integrating the Butter blog engine into your Gatsby app is dead simple. Here's a mini tutorial to get a feel for setting up your blog home and blog post pages.
Now our app has a working blog that can be updated easily in the ButterCMS dashboard.
Configure the source plugin
Here you'll specify the config that will be needed to pull down data from butter. Make sure to add your api_token from your dashboard, in this guide we will add CMS capability to Gatsby for blogging, marketing pages, and more. Below is an example gatsby-config.js file that you'll want to configure for your app. We dive into more detail on the config file in the official guide.
// Example gatsby-config.js filemodule.exports = {
resolve: `gatsby-source-buttercms`,
options: {
authToken: ``,
// Use the optional contentFields array for ButterCMS Collections. Any // Collections you want the app to have access to should have their // slugs explicitly included in the keys array, as seen below. contentFields: {
keys: [`faq_items`, `faq_headline`],
// Optional. Set to 1 to enable test mode for viewing draft content.
test: 0,
// Optional. Array of page slugs.
pages: [`homepage`],
// Optional. Array of page types. // Use the optional pageTypes array for ButterCMS PageTypes. Any // Page Types you want the app to have access to should have their // slugs explicitly included in the pageTypes array, as seen below.
pageTypes: [`customer_case_study`], // Specify locales you want the app to have access to, if you have // locales enabled in your account. locales: [`en`, `fr`]
That's it! The blog posts created in your Butter dashboard will immediately show up in your app.