Podcast Clips: Who Leads? Code or Creative?
Posted by Jonathan Ames on September 28, 2023
Brian Gerster of White Label IQ came on the Cutting Edge Web Content Development podcast to share some of his insights on the creative process of building out digital content. White Label IQ is a digital agency for agencies, providing development resources to other agencies around the world. He shared insights on the process of developing digital content, and how developers and creatives can work well together, and reach their goals even with project limitations.
Here’s a bit of the transcript from our episode with Brian:
[ timestamp 5:19 seconds ] Brian: It's not a website, you're selling an experience. People don't make purchases rationally. People are not rational beings. We're emotional. And it's through the stories that you can really start to connect with people. And be it a website, be it a video, be it the content itself, you're just telling that story.
The key thing is that story has got to be clear. People have to understand it, they have to know what the brand is and what the experience is about. And once you get that, then your people can contribute easily. You can really iterate and riff off of that clarity. As I said, I'm a designer, so it took me a while to learn this. But content has to lead. It's all about the story.
[ timestamp 10:30 seconds ] Brian: True creativity comes from limitations. If there's no limitations, it's just free form, which it's great too, don't get me wrong, but limitations are what really forces you to be creative. So if those limitations really are there, you’ve got to up your game a little bit. You've got to really kind of try to approach this in a more creative way. And maybe it's just keeping it simple, but I truly feel like the limitations shouldn't be able to really limit you too much. I mean, I'm saying that in a generalized way, but there's a lot of ways to tell the story. That's why as a creative, you're there. You're there to be able to tell a shorter story, tell something with more impact. You don't have to go into a grandiose chapter level experience. So if you keep it simple, you're probably going to have more impact.
Listen to the entire episode of the “Cutting Edge Web Content Development” on:
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Jonathan leads marketing at ButterCMS. He also hosts our podcast "Cutting edge web content development." He loves cooking up videos and events that help show how to get great results with Butter.