A React Native CMS like no other

Meet the headless React Native CMS that integrates with your app using a straightforward API. Smooth, simple, and tasty content integration — that’s Butter.

Posted on July 17, 2024

Intuitive admin interface

So easy to use. So easy to customize. You’re going to love the content you build better with ButterCMS.

Handy integration with React Native

Our React Native CMS has a simple content API and drop-in React Native SDK that makes the magic happen in minutes, not hours.

A truly zero-maintenance solution

With ButterCMS, you’ll never worry about security upgrades, hosting, or performance again.

Powerful CMS for React Native. Zero headache.

Drop our API-based CMS into your React Native app in minutes. 

ButterCMS provides a component-based CMS and content API for React Native and React Native apps. Use ButterCMS to enable dynamic content in your apps for page content, blogs, and anything else. Most customers get our React Native CMS set up in one hour or less. 

That leaves plenty of time for you and your marketing team to do what you do best: create killer apps with killer content. 

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See how Butter’s API enables you to compose flexible page layouts and easily reorder components, without a developer.

G2 crowd review award G2 crowd review award G2 crowd review award G2 crowd review award G2 crowd review award G2 crowd review award G2 crowd review award G2 crowd review award G2 crowd review award G2 crowd review award G2 crowd review award G2 crowd review award

“Best CMS on the market”

headshot of Hampton Catl

After shopping the market, it was clear that ButterCMS was the perfect choice. It allows our developers to build powerful components and makes it easy for our marketing team to drive a better customer experience. Hampton Catlin Creator of Sass and Haml

Built to make content marketing easy

ButterCMS is the best headless cms for React Native for a simple reason: React Native developers can build solutions that marketing people love. Our API allows your content gurus to quickly spin up high-converting, dynamic landing pages, SEO pages, product marketing pages, and more, all using simple drag-and-drop functionality.

  • SEO landing pages
  • Customer case studies
  • Company news & updates
  • Events + webinar pages
  • Education center
  • Location pages
  • And more...

The simplest React Native CMS you'll find

Our simple setup saves you time and money. Take us for a spin to see for yourself!

headshot of LUKE GARDNER

It's the epitome of plug-and-play simplicity for content creators. It does exactly what I need it to. LUKE GARDNER, CONTENT SPECIALIST, PRINTAVO

Fast integration with any React Native app

Our mission was to make it easy to integrate Butter with your existing React Native app in minutes. It’s so simple! To demonstrate, here’s a mini tutorial to give you a feel for the process of adding marketing pages to your React Native app.

Of course, you can also use our Collections to do advanced content modeling. For a full integration guide, check out our Official Guide for the ButterCMS React Native API client.

Play video

See how easily you can integrate the ButterCMS Pages API with your React Native app.

Seamless React Native components

Empower your marketing team with dynamic landing pages that align perfectly with your React Native components. 

Components are the essential building blocks of any React Native app, and ButterCMS handles them with ease. 

Our drag and drop interface makes it simple to structure your content to match existing React Native components and to create new reusable components whenever you need them.

One React Native CMS with everything you need

There’s a reason so many developers are choosing a headless React Native CMS. It’s easy to set up, offers flexible, customizable content modeling, and gives you access to our full React Native API.

  • Custom page types
  • Custom content modeling
  • CDN for assets
  • Webhooks
  • Testing environment
  • Customer case studies
  • Location pages

ButterCMS saves you development time

Most customers get our React Native CMS up and running in less than an hour. Try it yourself!

headshot of DILLON BURNS

Simple as can be, with powerful features and great customer support. DILLON BURNS, FRONT END DEVELOPER, KEYME

How to integrate ButterCMS into your React Native application

Just follow the simple steps below to complete the integration and begin creating pages with Butter. Be sure to check out our full guide to creating pages using the ButterCMS React Native API.

First you would set up a new Customer Case Study page type in Butter and create a page. With your page defined, the ButterCMS API will return it in JSON format like this:

   "data": {
      "slug": "acme-co",
      "fields": {
         "facebook_open_graph_title": "Acme Co loves ButterCMS",
         "seo_title": "Acme Co Customer Case Study",
         "headline": "Acme Co saved 200% on Anvil costs with ButterCMS",
         "testimonial": "<p>We've been able to make anvils faster than ever before! - <em>Chief Anvil Maker</em></p>\r\n<p><img src=\"https://cdn.buttercms.com/NiA3IIP3Ssurz5eNJ15a\" alt=\"\" caption=\"false\" width=\"249\" height=\"249\" /></p>",
         "customer_logo": "https://cdn.buttercms.com/c8oSTGcwQDC5I58km5WV",

To integrate this into your app, simply make a call to ButterCMS APIs using the ButterCMS client. Place this call in the componentDidMount hook in home.js:

import React from 'react'
import { Text,View,StyleSheet,Image,Button } from 'react-native';
import { Actions } from 'react-native-router-flux';
import butter from './butter-client'
import { TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native-gesture-handler';
export default class Home extends React.Component {
   state = {
      data: ''
   async componentDidMount() {
      const resp = await butter.page.retrieve('*', 'home')
   render() {
      const { fields } = this.state.data
      const goToAbout = () => {
      const goToBlog = () => {
      if (fields) {
         return (
            <Text style={styles.heading}>{fields.headline}</Text>
            <Image style={styles.heroimage} source={{uri: fields.hero_image}}></Image>
            <View style={styles.horizontal}>
            <TouchableOpacity style={styles.button}>
            <Button title={fields.call_to_action} onPress={goToAbout}></Button>
            <TouchableOpacity style={styles.button}>
            <Button title="Blog" onPress={goToBlog}></Button>

      } else {
         return (
const styles=StyleSheet.create({
   heading: {
      color: '#333333',
      padding: '20px'

Get all page content of specific type. For instance, customers for the case study. Here's what customers.js might look like:

import React from 'react'
import { Text, ScrollView,StyleSheet,Image,Button } from 'react-native'
import { Actions } from 'react-native-router-flux'
import butter from './butter-client'
import { TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native-gesture-handler'
import HTMLView from 'react-native-htmlview';
export default class CaseStudy extends React.Component {
   state = {
      data: ''
   async componentDidMount() {
      const resp = await butter.page.list('customer_case_study')
   render() {
      const { data } = this.state
      const goToHome = () => {
      if (data) {
         return (
            <ScrollView style={{padding:20}}>
               {data.map(page =>
                  <ScrollView style={styles.post} key={page.slug}>
                     <Text style={styles.heading}>{page.fields.seo_title}</Text>
                     <Image style={styles.logo} source={{ uri: page.fields.customer_logo }} />
                     <HTMLView value={page.fields.testimonial}></HTMLView>
               <TouchableOpacity style={styles.button}>
                  <Button title="Back to Home" onPress={goToHome}></Button>


      } else {
         return (

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
   vertical: {
      flex: 1,
      flexDirection: 'column',
      alignItems: "center",
      justifyContent: "center"
   heading: {
      fontSize: '2em',
      fontFamily: 'Georgia',
      color: '#333333',
      paddingTop: '10px'
   logo: {
      width: '90vw',
      height: '150px',
   content: {

That's it! If you browse to your homepage you'll see your homepage populated with the content you created in Butter.

Get Started for Free

How can a headless React Native CMS improve mobile app development?

A headless React Native CMS is the go-to option for building responsive, engaging mobile apps. Here are a few reasons why:

Headless CMS echoes React Native’s philosophy of “create once, use everywhere”

React Native's core principle is "write once, run anywhere," allowing developers to manage a single codebase for iOS, Android, and other platforms. A headless CMS complements this ideology by decoupling content from the app’s front end, which allows you to manage content centrally and deliver it seamlessly to your React Native app, a web app, or any other platform you choose. 

Developers enjoy full control over frontend customizability

With a headless CMS for React Native, developers have complete control over the front end. They are not restricted by predefined templates or structures, so you can build your mobile app exactly how you want it, using the full power of React Native to create unique, high-performance user interfaces.

React Native CMS custom frontends

Developers can use other frameworks when needed

By definition, a headless CMS is framework-agnostic, so you’re not locked into using just one technology. You can integrate with other frameworks or tools alongside React Native if the need arises. For example, if you use Angular or Vue.js for a web application, you can integrate that app with the same headless CMS you trusted for your React Native development. This flexibility gives you the freedom to adapt to changing project requirements and leverage the best tools for the job.

Faster development and deployment

A React headless CMS can also speed up development and deployment. Since content is managed separately from the presentation layer, developers can work on the app's functionality while content creators and marketers update the CMS (without having to write code). This parallel workflow reduces bottlenecks and accelerates overall delivery.

Increased scalability and performance

Headless CMS architectures are inherently scalable and can handle large volumes of content and high-traffic loads. Combined with React Native’s built-in performance optimizations, this ensures that your mobile app can grow and perform well, even as your user base expands.

Why ButterCMS is the best fit for React Native

ButterCMS is a cloud-based, enterprise-grade headless CMS that makes it a breeze to build immersive, content-driven digital experiences. Here’s why it’s the best headless CMS for React Native:

A streamlined headless CMS

ButterCMS is packed with streamlined features to simplify content management and app development. Some highlights include in-app image editing, blog engine, multi-site and multi-environment support, customizable content workflows, image API, component library, content scheduling, native SEO features, and revision history.

Simplified global, omnichannel delivery

ButterCMS empowers you to conquer international markets with its localization features. Create and manage content in as many languages as you need, all within a single, intuitive platform, eliminating the hassle of complex, siloed content management for each region. Then, using the ButterCMS APIs and built-in React Native features, you can deliver this localized content across any channel, including web, mobile apps, chatbots, and kiosks.

React Native CMS omni-channel delivery diagram

Scale with confidence: A headless CMS built for growth

As your business scales, your content needs will evolve. ButterCMS is built to handle this growth. The platform is hosted on ISO-27001-compliant AWS data centers that deliver smooth performance even with large amounts of content. Moreover, it leverages a globally cached API to ensure that your React Native app delivers a fast and smooth user experience regardless of location or the amount of content you serve.

Try Butter free for 14 days

See for yourself what makes Butter the best React Native CMS out there. Click the button below to sign up for your free 14-day trial.