So easy to use. So easy to customize. You’re going to love the content you build better with ButterCMS.
Handy integration with Swift
Our Swift CMS has a simple content API and drop-in Swift SDK that makes the magic happen in minutes, not hours.
A truly zero-maintenance solution
With ButterCMS, you’ll never worry about security upgrades, hosting, or performance again.
Powerful CMS for Swift. Zero headache.
Drop our API-based CMS into your Swift app in minutes.
ButterCMS provides a component-based CMS and content API for Swift and Swift apps. Use ButterCMS to enable dynamic content in your apps for page content, blogs, and anything else. Most customers get our Swift CMS set up in one hour or less.
That leaves plenty of time for you and your marketing team to do what you do best: create killer apps with killer content.
After shopping the market, it was clear that ButterCMS was the perfect choice. It allows our developers to build powerful components and makes it easy for our marketing team to drive a better customer experience.
Hampton Catlin Creator of Sass and Haml
Built to make content marketing easy
ButterCMS is the best headless CMS for Swift for a simple reason: Swift developers can build solutions that marketing people love. Our API allows your content gurus to quickly spin up high-converting, dynamic landing pages, SEO pages, product marketing pages, and more, all using simple drag-and-drop functionality.
Our mission was to make it easy to integrate Butter with your existing Swift app in minutes. It’s so simple! To demonstrate, here’s a mini tutorial to give you a feel for the process of adding marketing pages to your Swift app.
See how easily you can integrate the ButterCMS Pages API with your Swift app.
Seamless Swift components
Empower your marketing team with dynamic landing pages that align perfectly with your Swift components.
Components are the essential building blocks of any Swift app, and ButterCMS handles them with ease.
Our drag and drop interface makes it simple to structure your content to match existing Swift components, and to create new reusable components whenever you need them.
One Swift CMS with everything you need
There’s a reason so many developers are choosing a headless Swift CMS. It’s easy to set up, offers flexible, customizable content modeling, and gives you access to our full Swift API.
Provide this git repository:
Then set your version, e.g. 1.0.7
For CocoaPods:
Install CocoaPods if not installed already with $ brew install cocoapods
Create a Podfile in the root directory of your project with $ pod init and open your generated podfile. For example: $ open -a Xcode Podfile.
Update your podfile so it reads like the below snippet, then run $ pod install
target 'YourAppName' do use_frameworks! pod 'ButterCMSSDK', '1.0.7' end
2. Initialize the SDK:
To get started with the Butter API, instantiate the ButterCMSClient with your ButterCMS API token.
// Initialize Butter client
import ButterCMSSDK
var butter = ButterCMSClient(apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY")
3. Fetch posts or pages:
All ButterCMS Single Pages and Page Types have a configurable Page schema. In order to fetch a Page via the Swift SDK, you'll need to model the Butter Page schema as a Codable Struct and pass it to the getPages API, which will allow the SDK to deserialize the page data for you.
This is different from Blog posts, which have a fixed data model. For example, to fetch all blog posts, you can use the SDK's getPosts() function:
import ButterCMSSDK var butter = ButterCMSClient(apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY") butter.getPosts(parameters: [ .preview, .excludeBody, .page(value: 1), .pageSize(value: 10) ]) { result in switch result { case .success(let posts): //Do something on success print("Count: \(posts.meta.count)") { print("Post: \($0.title)") } case .failure(let error): //Do something on failure print("getPost failed with Error: \(error)") } }
4. Integrate into your application.
ButterCMSDK calls to the posts or pages API return JSON responses, like the below sample, which can be easily integrated into the framework of your choice.